Trash and Recycling containers: to be placed curbside very Monday morning. Recycling is picked up every other week. The list of items accepted in the curbside bins is quite specific:
Items not accepted in the curbside recycling bins are accepted at Recycle Utah:
The following video is from a Chicago company but applies to all recycling sorting machines and facilities:
Trash and Recycling bins must close completely and any items that are placed outside of the bins will NOT be picked up. Please allow at least three feet of space between each bin when placed curbside.
Governing documents: Please review the governing documents of your Hidden Cove Owners’ Association (see the “Document Library” tab on this website).
Exterior home changes: It is asked of homeowners to inform the Board of Trustees if any exterior changes are desired of their property. Approval by the Board of Trustees is required for such changes and updates. Please visit the Property Improvement Application (available under the “Document Library: Forms” tab on this website) and submit to the [email protected] address.
Wildlife: A variety of wildlife share the Hidden Cove neighborhood with us. Fences are not allowed in Hidden Cove to allow wildlife to move freely. Homeowners are expected to educate themselves on how to coexist with wildlife (visit the “Useful Links: Wildlife Interaction Information” tab available on this website).
Septic systems: Most of us have a septic tank system for our homes. Please see attached links regarding septic system maintenance-what to do and what not to do:
Neighborhood Annual Cleanup: Each year we have an annual Spring Cleanup in the neighborhood where dumpsters are provided by your HCOA. Usually in the month of May the dumpsters are available for two or three weeks. Recycle Utah accepts Household Hazardous Waste during that time of year as well. It is important to dispose of HHW properly and not place HHW in the annual cleanup dumpsters. The Summit County landfill can help you properly dispose of your HHW:
Mailbox groups: Not sure which mailbox is yours? Visit the “Useful Links: Maps” tab and the mailbox group is indicated by corresponding lot number color.
Neighborhood party: Each year we have a neighborhood party in the middle of August. Please check your email and/or the monthly newsletter for updates on date and time.
Summit Water Distribution Company is Hidden Cove’s culinary water provider. Our water infrastructure is quite outdated in Hidden Cove. If you notice any changes in water pressure in your home, witness water leaking on the roadways or issues with any of the fire hydrants, please contact SWDC immediately:–-Summit-Water-Distribution-Company.pdf
Hidden Cove Owners Association Website
Hidden Cove Owners Association Email [email protected]
Dark Sky
PCFD Wood Chipping Registration
Rainwater Harvesting
Recycle Utah 435-649-9698
Rocky Mountain Power
Summit County 435-336-3200
Summit County Landfill
Summit County Water Department 435.649.7324
Summit County Weed Management Dave 435-336-3992
Wildlife Awareness
Wildfire Risk Reduction
Safer alternatives to chemical weed control: